Natalie Spellman
- Age
- 44 Years
- Gender
- Female
- Country
- United States
- City
- New York
- Grade
- Professional
- Representation
- Freelance
- Hair Colour
- Black
- Eye Colour
- Brown
- Dress Size
- Suit Size
- Shoe Size
- Height
173 cm
- Weight
70 kg
- Race
- African American
Natalie Shand-Spellman, Coach Nat is not only a trained clinician in occupational therapy but also a United States combat marine, Bootcamp for Life transformational coach, speaker, and a published author. She earned a BS in Health Science and a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Coach Nat has been on her “stress journey” for over 21 years and has dealt with lost identity, brokenness, emotional turmoil, grief, and ill health because of unmanaged stress. She had many medical emergencies and miraculously healed from her most recent one.
Through her pain, her expertise as a clinician, and a love for research, she later discovered a transformative and revolutionary approach to stress management. Coach Nat also found Life's Unwritten Formula for Success and the different Narrative Functional Identity Types. She also found a powerful mental and emotional well-being technique called "purpose-cising." This technique allows her clients to immerse themselves in a state of positivity while performing an action or movement to decrease their stress immediately. She also promotes using Proactive Tools for effective stress management and following the NEW STARTS FOR ME lifestyle principles for peak performance and function in life.
Coach Nat is also a 2-time recipient of the Navy Achievement Medal, a top military medal for excellence. She is very enthusiastic about empowering teenagers, millennials, veterans, and women who feel lost, broken, and lack direction to become their best versions despite their lives' hardships. She is on a mission of hope! Natalie resides in New York with her husband and daughter, Sarai. She enjoys researching, creating innovative ideas and concepts, writing songs, writing inspirational quotes, giving advice, and impacting her community.
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